1. Data collection & data quality:
collect comprehensive, reliable and operable data.
4. Data analytics:
understand marketing issues and analyze data in order to extract useful information.
2. Data engineering:
implement technical architecture and automate data flows.
5. Data science:
apply machine learning for advanced segmentation and customization.
3. Data visualization & reporting:
create custom reports and interactive dashboards.
6. Data activation:
test, validate and put into production use cases that bring added value.
1. Data collection & data quality:
collect comprehensive, reliable and operable data.
2. Data engineering:
implement technical architecture and automate data flows.
3. Data visualisation & reporting:
create custom reports and interactive dashboards.
4. Data analytics:
understand marketing issues and analyze data in order to extract useful information.
5. Data science:
apply machine learning for advanced segmentation and customization.
6. Data activation:
test, validate and put into production use cases that bring added value.

+33 (0) 6 52 33 45 38
+33 (0) 6 52 33 45 38